International Wesleyan Holiness Association

The International Wesleyan Holiness Association desires to assist you to accomplish your God ordained ministry. Whether in the United States or the Far East, we can help you fulfill your Divine calling. We are not an Internet licensing mill and we do not accept all those that apply for affiliation.
Since we do not find from the Scriptures that fees were charged for these type of services, we do not charge for either affiliations or credentials. On this page you will find an explanation of the process to be affiliated with our ministry as well as the process to be licensed or ordained through us.
If you are interested in either affiliation or license, please follow the instructions contained on the applications. If you are desirous of obtaining ministerial education, we suggest you contact Master's International School of Divinity ( which provides excellent long distance education. Credits from Master's are accepted by The International Wesleyan Holiness Association toward ordination.
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless your journey as you serve Him.