International Wesleyan Holiness Association

About us
The International Wesleyan Holiness Association has outreaches to the United States, India, and Pakistan. The Gospel message is our passion. It is our purpose to preach the uncompromising truth regardless of its "political correctness." God calls His people to be holy because He is holy. "Without holiness, no one shall see the Lord." The International Wesleyan Holiness Association desires for you to live a life in victory over sin, both actual and inherited. We provide books, tapes, DVDs, flash drives and special revival meetings and conferences as a means to equip you and help you walk in holiness. As you build on the Word, you will grow spiritually, be equipped to overcome your own adversity and be able to share what you are learning with others. God's Word has transformed the lives of millions, and it will do the same for you. Our ministry is based 100% on the Holy Bible. Below is a photo of one of our mission fields in India, supporting lepers.