International Wesleyan Holiness Association

Welcome, and thank you for visiting the International Wesleyan Holiness Association. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity recognized by the IRS. We hope that our website encourages you to live a life of dedication and consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ. Our ministry is worldwide spreading the message of the Gospel. We would love to share with you our love for Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and explain God's real plan of salvation. We will always ask you the question, "Friend, are you saved?"

Our Mission
Our mission is to be fully devoted to Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and spread the message of the true Gospel to the world. We stand in opposition to the liberal church and its easy believeism, decisionism, profession of faith, seeker sensitive and other Satanic imitations to the true work of the Holy Spirit in salvation. We provide daily devotions; weekly Bible lessons; podcasts, and we conduct local church services in our area. We seek to support widows and orphans to demonstrate pure religion. (James 1:27) For those seeking to affiliate with us, we welcome you and you will find instructions and forms on the "Affiliation" page how to join us.
Scripture Memory Verse
"Salvation is of the Lord." Jonah 2:9
We teach weekly Bible studies that you can participate in from anywhere in the world. This quarter we are studying Satan's Imitation of the Holy Spirit." Contact us to receive your free materials.
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We invite you to join our mailing list and receive our emails with news and the weekly reading.
At the right you will see a photo of one of our mission fields in India.
Pray without ceasing.